Monday, December 1, 2008


Hey everyone out there, I'm not blaming anyone but lets try to guess what would we, the humans, would naturally do if something goes wrong.....

We will.......BLAME other people. This is not what we would normally do it but we learned this 'skill'. But the question is, who did we learn it from? Is it teachers? Is it siblings? Is it a talent? Definitely not.
According to my encounters, I found out that we learned this from parents *no offense, let me carry on*. Why do i say this? It is because let me quote an example....
If a little toddler learns to run before it knows how(all of us do that) and it knocks on a table.... The very first thing it would do is to see if anyone found out! If no one saw, he would just stand up, brush off the dirt and start running again.
But, if someone saw, like his mother, he would just cry. Then his mother would step up to him and soothe the little baby. Then it will cry more. The problem lies here, the mother would eventually blame the table for being there and hit it while saying'bad table'. By doing this, it injected into the baby that it is not at fault and so we learned this 'ability' from our parents.

Two Toddlers Sitting Together

0 Experiences: