Monday, November 24, 2008

Roads Of Malaysia

No, the title isn't wrong, I mean it. Have you ever experienced the bumpy roads of Malaysia?My father usually's a perfectly fine road and they have to dig it all back up.

This practice should seriously stop, unless it's important but as far as I know, it's not. Spoiling the road doesn't just irritates drivers, it endanger their lives too. With bumpy roads around, cars bounce here and there and thus rising the rate of an accident happening.
With all those scary negatives of the road being uneven, I hope the government will really stop this as this is unnecessary. There was once when my father came back after buying MacDonald's then he encountered this long road carrying these long black lines along with it.
It was horrible seeing what the government did to our road. It was just a fine road and they had to scrape it all out and put in new ones. What Is Up With That?

1 Experiences:

vlad said...

Hello. I am a student. My blog is about treading.I speak English a little. I am from Ukraine.
Your blog is nice too!!!
You are first with whom correspond in English!
To a meeting!!!!!